海下灣 Hoi Ha Wan - Bay Beneath the Sea

海下灣 Hoi Ha Wan - Bay Beneath the Sea
Thirty-seven species of coral have been identified in Hoi Ha Wan,
Sai Kung which is one of the last remaining unpolluted bays in the coastal waters of Hong Kong. Along with the corals is an abundance of marine life, which either lives with or in the corals.
Despite the richness of marine life at Hoi Ha Wan, few people are aware that corals could even exist in Hong Kong.
This film will enlighten anyone interested in marine life and will be an invaluable asset to the general public.



Stop shark finning


Frigate Mackerel (Tuna) at Long Ke Wan (Sai Kung)

had fun dive at Long Ke Wan (Sai Kung) on 3rd July.

dived with a Mexican. It was quite dangerous at the end of the first dive because a speed boat pass by our head, when we were swimming to boat at the depth 3m.
In the second dive, I saw a group of yound Frigate Mackerel (one kind of Tuna). Their size was about 10 inches and I guessed there were about 150-200 piece.
This has been the first time that I saw tuna in Hong Kong since I learned diving.

而章雄即(Greater amberjack)


Fiji diving planning

Tigger sharks and shark feeding in Fiji.

Diving in Palau between 20110408 and 20110416

Napolean wrasse
我即管和Check-in 小姐說,我是去潛水,是不是可有Sport item extra allowance?她說:沒有的,除非你預早申請,通常只有輪椅等才可豁免。她跟著process 了boarding pass 一會,她說:這是你的boarding pass,因閘口較遠,早點到機場。我心想,不是沒exempt,要charge嗎?我便立即快快離開。我到現在也不知,是她忘了,還是她用權力免了我的over load charge.

經馬尼拉轉機到Palau 後,已是深夜3時。再經20分鐘車程,便到了碼頭上船。

Japanese war ship (Helmet wreck)

因船只是半滿,所以我可獨佔一間雙人房。本來我是book Suite的房,後來Agent 說那是雙人床,要改Deluxe. 如不改,那更舒適了。

第一個下潛先在Koror附近潛wreck (Helmet wreck).那是艘日本戰艦, 剛發現10年, 還有些子彈留下, 不過已有很多給人偷了。

之後接了一對澳洲藉英國人來. 去了一個海底鐘乳洞這洞分開幾個Chambers整個洞是頗大,可同時容納很多divers看洞內的鐘乳石,可知水位在鐘乳石形成後升了幾米高可惜洞內並沒有蝙蝠
Chandelier Cave stalactite 鐘乳石
比較精彩的dive sites有, Blue corner, Blue Hole, Ulong Channel 及不可不到的 Jellyfish Lake.
在Blue corner 可看到很多Reef sharks, Eagle rays & Napolean wrasse. 在Blue corner,不知是我選了一非常正的位置落anchor,還是那Eagle ray 非常喜歡我,總是停在我前面不走.在旁邊的其他divers 恨得牙癢癢. 

Napolean wrasse
今次船潛可去南部的Peleliu Island 參觀.這小島曾在2次大戰中,其中之一的激戰戰場。美軍有2000人陣亡, 而日本有10000人陣亡。
World War II museum

Destroyed Japanese General house

Japanese Tank

最後當然要再去Jellyfish lake,要帶著部Video上去是非常辛苦的事情.今次再去, Jellyfish明顯較上次 (2003)年少, 而且很難找到Moon Jellyfish.

Golden Jellyfish

Golden Jellyfish
最後一天,等晒乾gear 時, 參觀了船的駕駛室.
Control panel of Big blue explorer

懂潛水以來,潛最凍一次的經驗 The coolest diving temperature I did.

於2011年2月20日去了 Sharp Island, Sai Kung,當天天文台的北角水溫是13度,我現腦的記錄最低是15度攝氏。Sharp Island是經常去的地點,一直也會有很多小魚,不過在這凍的水溫,絕大部份魚都躲藏起來。

Visit Green Peace Rainbow Warrior II

The Rainbow Warrior's Farewell Visit to Hong Kong


