Cenderawasih Bay whale shark watching

Cenderawasih Bay is a National Park of West Papua - Indonesia.

View Cenderawasih Bay in a larger map

Every August, many whale sharks will go there to have breakfast.
The sharks seemed interested only in their free breakfast (all of the action takes place at dawn), and ignore snorkelers and divers.

Raja Ampat, Indonesia Sharks

Some of the sharks in Raja Ampat.

Raja Ampat, Indonesia Manta rays

東印尼,Raja Ampat的Manta sandy. 水深15米,整個下潛時間成72分鐘。是我去過的Manta cleaning station 中,最好欣賞manta 的地方。

Clean plastic bags

Post typhoon beach cleanup Saturday July 28th 11am

"There has been an horrendous spill of tiny preproduction plastic pellets totalling in excess of 5000 kg which we ( Including City Management, EPD, FEHD, Marine Dept) have been trying to clear off the beach before they are washed back in the sea. On Saturday we want to clear as much of the ‘other’ plastics washed ashore which includes an abundance of single use disposable plastics. It is always dreadful the amount of plastic that is deposited on the beach after a typhoon."

Video about this disaster:
Plastic Disaster Hong Kong

There were 6 containers, which contained plastic pellets, dropped into ocean.
I went to clean the bags left underwater.
We found six bags on that day.

Raja Ampat diving log

Raja Ampat 這個上年才開始聽的地名。在印尼的解釋是4 皇。位於印尼東面。
Raja Ampat Map

經Diving Express Denny 的推薦,選了Grand Komodo的liveaboard。

在Jakarta 的 airport hotel 住幾小時後,晨早乘內陸機飛到Sorong.
在機場見到今次的Dive master才知,這船有另外2個香港人,4個美國人, 2個歐洲人。
雖然我只book 了半間房,但因船有7間房,我可獨佔整個房。
之後便北上到Fam 及Gam,這裡的硬珊瑚較南部多,而且亦非常健康。這裡的Manta Sandy是我到過的所有看Manta 最精彩的一個點。1.在這裡潛了70分鐘,2.可以極接近的看牠們來回游。
之後有幾個潛點,不同品種的魚都集中到來,而且不只有大魚,你想找細小的生物也是隨處也有。這裡出名的Wobbegong, 總愛睡在地下不動。最終有一次,看到有一尾剛停下來,我估計牠應好大機會再游走。那我決定等牠,過了2分鐘,其他人都走了很遠,這尾真的再游了,在機不可失下,拍了牠整個游水過程。不過遺憾是未能看到牠Hunting.
這裡另一出名的鯊魚是 Walking shark (Bamboo shark), 牠門通常在晚間出沒,雖然差不多晚晚都出動夜潛,到最後一次夜潛前也未看到。估不到在最後一次夜潛,我和另一加拿大人 diver同時分別看到2條 Walking shark. 牠不知我也找到,不斷閃我,叫我去影,在我影了一會後,去他那裡看,通知他,我也找到。看到他找到的那條沒我找到的清楚,因牠是躲在珊瑚礁內。
總結是,這個是不可多得的潛點,我極力推薦大家必定要去一次。和Maldives比較,Maldives差不多是死海 ,是名大於實。

Join best of onetoone 2011

Best of onetoone 2011.
Apple has a product onetoone, which is a very good product to new Apple user.
After their customers have been trained from this course, the organize an event to let them to show their project.
This is my submitted video.

Let the world see your talent in the “Best of One to One Show.” All One to One members can show off their amazing personal web pages, holiday photo books, and other great work completed last year with the help of a Trainer.
Event date and time: February 5, 2:00 p.m.
Please register with a Trainer in the Apple Retail Store.

Diving in Raja Ampat

Diving in Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat, meaning "Four Kings", locate in the eastern side of Indonesia. 

Raja Ampat is considered a major epicenter of marine biodiversity, with over 537 corals (three fourths of all known), more than 700 kinds of mollusks and well over 1,000 species of fish inhabiting these waters. In fact, one famed ichthyologist, Dr. Gerald Allen, counted over 280 fish species on a single dive! It's no wonder this region is reputed to have the greatest diversity of marine life on earth and the abundance of underwater animals is truly staggering.
The best way is live-aboard. Grand Komodo is one of the diving operator who operate several fleets run in Indonesia. I will join the fleet MV TemuKira in March. It can serve 12 guests at most. This is a quite compact size fleet.

MV TemuKira


數碼修復1999年MALDIVES SUN ISLAND潛水之旅。這是我首次在香港以外地方潛水。這片是由VHS 帶數碼化,因VHS 機已很難找,只能由一台非常舊,很久未用過的VHS機來轉。這片及機是由其中一團友拍,因她是首次用攝錄機,請見諒本片的質素。

Niue whale watching

Niue island (North East of New Zealand), is one of the best place to see humpback whale. This country has the lest constraint to watch whale.