Under the Sea IMAX 3D 海底世界 IMAX 3D

現在在機場IMAX播的一套電影,介紹有一句“把水母當作防護安全帽的搬運蟹”。我在剛去過的Komodo已看過了。那水母是upsidedown jellyfish.

Movie of Under the Sea IMAX 3D showed at UA IMAX @ airport
Story Line :
The new IMAX 3D adventure, "Under the Sea" transports viewers to some of the most exotic and isolated undersea locations on Earth, allowing them to experience face-to-face encounters with some of the most mysterious and stunning creatures of the sea such as Carrier Crab making use of jellyfish as its protective headgear, etc. IMAX 3D puts the audience in the movie. The film offers a uniquely inspirational and entertaining way for audience to explore coral reef creatures; witness their feeding, symbiosis, growth and reproduction; as well as examines the impact of global climate change on marine life and their ecological environment.

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